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Best CRM


Honeybook vs Dubsado vs 17hats 2021

Which is the best? Honeybook vs Dubsado vs 17hats? Graphic for blog

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Spoiler alert: If you’re looking for the short answer to the question, “which is best? HoneyBook vs Dubsado vs 17hats?”, we’ll be candid: we LOVE HoneyBook! So, this is definitely a comparison between Honeybook vs Dubsado vs 17hats, but it’s also a HoneyBook Review, since we’ll dive a little deeper into the specific features of HoneyBook.

If that’s all you wanted to know, click here to go grab your free trial and 50% off your first year, on us!

Best Client Management Solution for Wedding Photographers: HoneyBook Vs Dubsado Vs 17hats

Get Organized, Stop Double Booking/Prevent Double Booking Wedding Clients, and Provide Better Client Service with the Best CRM for Wedding Photographers

Are you taking on enough clients that you’re starting to think you need a better way to stay organized and avoid big mistakes like double-booking? Well, then it’s definitely time to invest in Client Relationship Manager (CRM)! But, which client relationship management provider is the best for wedding photographers?

Which CRM is Best For Wedding Photographers?

HoneyBook vs Dubsado vs 17hats

When we started getting a lot more inquiries and needed to be very organized beyond our ability to just track it on paper/in email, we set out to test some of the CRMs our friends had recommended.

The main ones we had heard about were:

So, when it comes to the main contenders it’s really Honeybook vs Dubsado vs 17hats. At this point, we’ll go ahead a say, we chose HoneyBook as our CRM, but it was also the LAST one we tried.

We’re really big into “try before you buy” so we decided to take each for a test run. Our main motivating factor for choosing one over the others? It really needed to just “click”; we’re huge on not only factoring things by their “features”, but instead making sure you buy what you’ll actually use.

It’s a lesson we learned by grocery shopping—we’ve had our seasons of thinking we’ll go super healthy beyond our current level of eating, so we’d stock our fridge full of “super food” that would actually only sit in our fridge for way pass the expiration.

Lesson? Try before you buy and only buy what you’ll actually use.

17hats vs Honeybook

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17hats was the first we tried. It was “alright”. We found that it wasn’t “that” exciting or compelling. It just didn’t make us “flow” in terms of being excited about putting a client in and having an exciting work path.

It’s sort of funny to mention, but we honestly weren’t real excited about the colors used on the website and how everything made us feel. That’s a small thing, but again, it’s something that would affect how propelled we were to actually use the product.

Dubsado vs Honeybook

Honeybook Dubsado front page.jpeg

We have a lot of friends that use Dubsado. We did find it a bit more intuitive than 17hats, but honestly, we just weren’t sold. We tend to think of projects as going in a linear fashion along a pipeline. Dubsado doesn’t seem to visualize any of this, so it didn’t feel intuitive. Again, the feeling didn’t click and instead made tracking clients seem burdensome.

So, when it comes to the question of HoneyBook vs Dubsado, we found ourselves not excited to use Dubsado while we were really excited using HoneyBook.

HoneyBook vs Dubsado vs 17hats

Screenshot of HoneyBook front page for HoneyBook Review

HoneyBook is the CRM that we now use! For us, it was the most intuitive and we found ourselves just plain excited to use it whenever we logged in. It just “worked” for us. A lot of the features I’ll mention about HoneyBook are quite possibly on other CRMs at this point, but again, we’ve found the features in HoneyBook very exciting because we’ve actually made use of them.

HoneyBook Review and Features

Say Goodbye to Double-Booking!

When you have a date booked, HoneyBook will tell you. Anytime you get a new lead for a date that’s already booked, you’ll be notified. We LOVE that. It also let’s you know what other inquiries have been made on a certain day.

This is a great tool to use for analyzing what dates you normally book each year, and how many inquiries you usually get for each date, so that you can be choosy in the years coming!

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Keep Organized with Your Own Customizeable Honeybook Pipeline

The customizeable HoneyBook pipeline is really helpful in tracking where you leads and clients are in your funnel.

Reasons why HoneyBook is the Best Client Management System

We use this feature to keep track of new leads, where they’re at in our “sales funnel”, and where booked clients are at in the “client experience funnel”. This makes it super easy to know how best serve people where they are. It also makes it easy to aggregate your clients into a “ready to ask for reviews” section on your pipeline, so that you can gain a list of people to ask!

Honeybook’s Magically Cumstomizeable Contact Form

HoneyBook’s contact form is very, very good. When a client fills it out, it populates all sorts of good info about the person who just completed it. The contact form is easily placed in your websites code injection and can be customized directly within HoneyBook.


To optimize all our advertising efforts, we LOVE tracking where our brides find us and other fun-facts about the discovery process. We’ve learned interesting things such as that the source that we receive the most leads is like fourth in terms of actual “value”. We actually didn’t know this until we looked at our reports and had considered cutting advertising that brought us higher paying clients!

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Templates and Automation with Honeybook

This is one of the greatest reasons we love HoneyBook. We make extensive use of the templates and automation. We’ve created templates for almost any contract, brochure, follow up email, gallery delivery, etc. email you could possibly image.

We just select the template and we’re good to go!

The Honeybook Phone App!

Besides HoneyBook, as far as we know, only 17hats has an app. As far as HoneyBooks app, it is TREMENDOUSLY helpful in tracking/responding to leads/clients on the go.

There’s More

There’s a lot more to why we love HoneyBook, but we recommend that you do what we did—Give it a try!

Use our link and get 50% off your first year of HoneyBook!

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