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Tips for Moving In Together for the First Time

When we got engaged, we anticipated a lot of planning—from finding a wedding venue and photographer, to picking the bridal party and color scheme, to deciding who gets invitations and what food will be offered at the reception. On On top of that, we had to begin planning to move in together once we were married!

To some, this may seem like additional stress during an already hectic time of your lives, but here are a few tips to making your first move together a positive experience!

1. Decide Where You’ll be Living

The first step when you move in together is to figure out where exactly you’ll be living. Will you be moving into one person’s current apartment or house, renting an apartment together, or looking to purchase your first home? When you two make this decision, it is important to discuss everything that might affect your living situation, from finances, debts, budgets, savings and your lists of wants and needs in your first home together.

Once it is clear that you are on the same page about all of these things, the fun can begin. You can now start looking at apartments or houses, picking out furniture or paint colors, or making Pinterest boards for meals you want to cook together.

2. Get a Storage Unit

Chances are, your separate leases will not end on the same date. Chances are you will also have multiples of some furniture and appliances and will need to purchase some things new for your first home together. For the purposes of coordinating with movers, taking inventory of your belongings and saving yourself the stress of moving all of your things at once, you two should rent a storage unit for a few months leading up to your big move. This way, when you go to rent a moving truck or hire a moving service, the furniture

3. Pick Out Furniture Together

Many couples do not have the same taste in interior decor, and you’ll probably hate at least one item your soon-to-be spouse cherishes from their bachelor or bachelorette pad. This will be especially evident if you are moving into your significant other’s current living space, where your furniture may not physically or aesthetically fit.

A way to make any room feel like it belongs to both of you, rather than one of you, is to pick out furniture together. You should buy staple pieces like furniture for your living room in neutral colors and high-quality materials, so that you will want to take it with you if you two move again in the future.

4. Throw a Housewarming Party

Once the two of you are settled in your home, you should take some time to relax, catch up with your friends and family, and celebrate your hard work. This can be a dinner party, engagement party, or just a get together with a few people you know to break in your new speakers and test out how evenly your oven heats up hors dourves. So come up with a party playlist or put on an existing one, open a bottle of wine and toast to your new home and new life together.

We hope these tips are helpful! 

What are some other helpful ideas that you've come across?

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